Someone else has signed up for WhatsApp or another service with the secondary number that used to belong to me.

The secondary number is given temporarily to the user, and is in his possession as long as there is an active paid program in the app.
In case of cancellation of a plan or end of a plan period, the secondary number enters a 90-day freeze period, during which a plan can be purchased, and the service renewed.
At the end of the 90-day freeze, the secondary number is released to the available numbers pool and can be assigned to another user.
A few days before the end of the program period, the user receives a notification of an expected service termination, in which we instruct to cancel registration for any service or social network, such as WhatsApp, where he registered using the secondary number.
If the number you used in the past has already been released and assigned to another user, and is active in the service – we cannot cancel it.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tags: # Privacy #lock the app #lock app #app lock #set password #set code
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